This Saturday we will be running a Pre-Qualifier for the World Wide Catan Championship. For a $15 entry, we you get a chance to go to Origins free to compete in the Qualifier, then on to the Championships themselves! We have a sign-up sheet in the store. If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, please let us know. Currently we have half the number of sign-ups required to run an official event.
Monday is the official start to our Flames of War Escalation league. If you actually want to find an opponent for mid-week, we suggest using our forums to find an opponent.
Tuesday nights we have been averaging a single game of Malifaux. If we need to either organize a different night or something else, let us know.
We will now be starting the Magic Draft on Wednesdays at 7:00 sharp. Last week we had several new players, so if you haven’t been out for a while, feel free to come back.
Our calendar should be up to date with all the latest happenings.