Flames of War Escalation

Starting Feb 17th, we will be running a Late War Escalation League, which concludes on 4/28 (By making it fast, we plan on doing a second campaign or league starting in May). Grab a 600 point army to start.

The league is free to join, first place player gets $10 store credit, second place gets $5 store credit.

February 17-March 2: 600 Points
March 3-16: 900 Points
March 17-30: 1200 Points
March 31-April 13: 1500 Points
April 14-28 (15 days): 1750 Points

600, 900 point restrictions

  • No vehicle, plane, infantry or gun team with a AT rating of higher than 11
  • No vehicle with a front armor of higher than 7
  • 1 Combat platoon instead of the normal minimum amount
  • Weapons and Support platoons are taken per the normal army list rules
  • Half size table; change to a minimum deployment zone of 8” where required
  • Scenario modifications:
    • Hold the Line: the attacker deploys 16” from the table centre line.
    • Fighting Withdrawal or Breakthrough: Width and length is switched
    • Cauldron: Width and length is switched. The objectives must be within 8” of the table center and each other, and the defender must deploy within 12” of the table center.
    • Roadblock: Width and length is switched. The objectives must be between 8” and 16” from the ends of the road, and the defender deploys 10” from the table center line.

1200 points

  • No vehicle, plane, infantry or gun team with a AT rating of higher than 13
  • No vehicle with a front armor of higher than 9
  • Standard army list rules

1500, 1750 points

  • Standard army list rules

Scoring System
Your score is the best game at each point level (using the Victory Points Table located in the main rulebook). The first time you play a new player in the course of the league, you get +1 points.

Additionally, you’ll get bonus point for every game played.

  • At 600: Every game you play is 1 point per loss, 2 points per win.
  • At 900: 1 point per loss, 3 points per win.
  • At 1200: 2 points per loss, 4 points per win.
  • At 1500: 2 points per loss, 5 points per win.
  • At 1750: 3 points per loss, 6 points per win


Flames of War Escalation — 2 Comments