This week

Note: This email goes out weekly on Sunday or Monday.  If you ever fail to receive it, please let me know.  If you are tired of receiving it, please let me know. The Blood Bowl league starts this week, if … Continue reading

FOW Results

The 17th Panzer Division had a narrow victory over the Care de Lupta (Rich beat Chris 5 to 4). Germans vs Germans, Colin beat Pete, 6 to 3. Pete’s grenadiers lost to Alex’s Italians in North Africa, 3 to 6. … Continue reading


Well, the EPGS seemed to have a good time today. We had seven of their players spend a day with us. Several wargames were going on downstairs while a game of Le Havre played upstairs. We ended the day with … Continue reading

FOW Results

Gary’s Soviets took out Pete’s Germans (6 vs 3) Carl’s Italians took out Tom’s US Airborne (7 vs 2). Rich    21 Bob    21 Chris    21 Pete    20 Colin    19 Gary    19 Tom    14 Carl    13 Butch     12 Alex    … Continue reading

D&D Game Day

I just had someone volunteer to run the D&D Player’s Handbook 3 Game Day Adventure on this Saturday at 1. If you are interested in playing, please let me know.

Today’s FOW

The Romanian Escadron (Chris) beat the Germans (Pete) 7 vs 2. The US beat the Germans, Bob 6 vs Colin 3. Alex’s North African Italians beat Bob’s US. 7 to 2. New rankings: Rich 21 Bob 21 Chris 21 Pete … Continue reading