This week

Friday, John Benett has offered to run a D&D game. If you are interested, let me know. Bob Fanelli has said he is interested in running a D&D 3.5 campaign on every other Sunday. We haven’t settled on a first … Continue reading

Results of FOW battles

During the last day of the 800 point armies: Carl’s Italians lost to Pete’s Germans (the Italians died amazingly fast 2 vs 7) Motostrlkov beat the Vanatorite de Munte (Gary’s Russians beat Chris’s Romanians, 6 vs 3). Bob’s Americans won … Continue reading

FOW results

Rich’s 21st DAK beat Gary’s army (6v3) Colin’s Fallschimjager beat Ken’s British rifles (6v3) Butch’s British 8h army beat Gary’s Russians (7v2) New scores: Rich 14 Bob 14 Chris 14 Pete 14 Colin 12 Gary 11 Tom 10 Butch 7 … Continue reading

This week

Starting this Thursday (and continuing every other) there will be a Celestial Legal Pack tournament, the $4 entry fee covers a booster and the chance to win a promotional card. We are introducing a Warmachine special; buy one-get-one on the … Continue reading