To celebrate our 12 year anniversary, starting this Friday and going to Thanksgiving, we will be giving out a Secret Envelope each time you spend $70. Bring the envelope back (still sealed) any day in December to see what your … Continue reading
During November, you can buy one of the following board game for yourself and a second copy at 50% off to drop in the Toys for Tots box . Catan Ticket To Ride Just One Spot It Dixit Pandemic … Continue reading
On Saturday, October 16th, we will be running Free RPG Day. Anyone that comes in, can take one free item from the official kit. You can get additional free items for each $20 you spend. Additionally, if you spend any … Continue reading
Recently we’ve had a few people asking about the return of Standard Magic for FNM. So, this week and next we are going to do an experiment. Tickets are on sale for Standard FNM. If we have at least 4 … Continue reading
The newest Magic the Gathering set is Innistrad: Midnight Hunt September 17-19 we will be running seven different prerelease events for the set. Big things to remember: We will only be seating people that have shown us proof of vaccination. … Continue reading
COVID Back in June we decided we would be holding events, but to limit seating to people that can show proof of vaccination. At this time, we plan on keeping that policy until the overall vaccination rate greatly improves. We … Continue reading
This Sunday, 7/25, at 1:00 we are going to start holding Magic Drafts again. This week will be Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. After the event we will take a quick survey to see which set we should draft the … Continue reading
The newest Magic the Gathering set is set in the D&D World of the Forgotten Realms. July 16th-18th we will be running seven different prerelease events for the newest set of Magic the Gathering, Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Our … Continue reading
If you were a DM for our Wednesday night D&D sessions, please contact the store. We are trying to plan out July’s reopening. Feel free to contact us with reasonable questions:, on our discord site, or on our Facebook … Continue reading