Coming up on Saturday January 30th we will be running a Warmachine Game using the new rule set. If you know you need a book or deck of cards, let me know so that I can pre-order everything. This week: … Continue reading
Category Archives: All posts
Chris’s Romanian narrowly beat Pete’s Germans. Chris: 5Pete: 4
Yesterday we finally had a game of Arcane Legion occur, and it was declared to be good! We’ll expect more of them in the future. Today the first battle in the Mid-War Flames of War escalation league is just about … Continue reading
The next 7 people who make a purchase at the store and mention this blog entry will receive a 10% discount in addition to the frequent buyer card.
During this odd year-ending week, feel free to stop by during the afternoon for a board game or two – we open at noon from Tuesday to Friday. Coming up on Saturday January 30th we will be running a Warmachine … Continue reading
Here’s the schedule for the FOW mid-war escalation league: 600 point army January 1 – January 30 800 point army January 31 – February 27 1000 point army February 28 – March 27 1200 point army March 28 – April … Continue reading
I now have a full line of Vallejo model color in stock! Future announcements: in 2010 there will be a Flames of War escalation league. To participate, find an opponent and fight a Mid-War 600 point battle before Jan 30th. … Continue reading
Last night we eventually gave into the snow and closed early. Today however, the sun is shining and the VFW parking lot is clear, so feel free to come on down. … Continue reading
So far this week, I am a little late doing everything! Yesterday, I did get one guy taking me up on my “Help me remember Magic” offer. The offer will continue. If you challenge me to a game of Magic … Continue reading