The schedule

This Sunday is the Flames of War Tournament. We will be a regional qualifier if we make it to 12 players. It will be starting at 10AM.

For the Magic players, there is a draft this week.

This Saturday the EPGS will be in the store all day.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, the 29th, Bob Fanelli will be running a revolutionary war game. Watch for details.

Saturday, June 5 we will be having a Warmachine tournament. 15 points, objective – kill the Warcaster.

This week

Tuesday: 5:00 WoW TCG. 6:00 open board games.

Wednesday night, the figure painters will be painting while the Magic players are drafting.

Thursday, we will be playing Legends of the 5 Rings.

Friday, starting at 6:30 we will be running Magic. Most of our players are interested in arriving and starting earlier, so we will be trying that.


  • 12:00 Blood Bowl
  • 6:00 Open Gaming

Sunday, FOW tournament.


The schedule — 8 Comments

  1. Good morning. How did the FoW Escalation League end? Can you post the final results when you get the chance?

    • The league ended with a whimper. Gary played Pete and did not change the final scores.

      Rich 33
      Bob 31
      Colin 30
      Pete 30
      Gary 27
      Chris 25
      Butch 20
      Tom 14
      Carl 13
      Alex 13
      Charlie 7
      Nick 6
      Ken 6
      Erik 5

  2. So if the gang is OK with a few vehicle proxies, I think I can convince Kellen to play to increase the number of participants.

    I don’t know if anybody is reading these posts, but if so, let me know.

  3. I figured you would still have posted something. I do feel kind of slighted seeing as I did finish with the high score.

  4. Chris,
    I don’t see a problem with proxing pieces as Pete does it quite frequently. All I would suggest is that he let’s his opponent and the judge(s) know what he it using and what it represents. However the final decision is up to the store and the judge(s).


  5. Thanks Rich – That’s what I’m thinking. Basically it would be that the IS-2 models represent KV-1 vehicles. Everything else would be correct.

    I’m just trying to get us up to 12 players, and Kellen said that if I gave him an army with as few models as possible he would participate. Possibly he will lose every game, but that’s OK.

  6. Watch and see him win the overall game. 🙂 I guess you could be him at the National Tourny.