This is actually just a memo to my future self. Assuming the store continues to grow, someday we will move again. At that time, I need to remember these moving tips:
- When a property owner claims a lot size is X, he’s talking about the size of the lot, not about the interior space (alternately, he’s making up a number). Measure the space before believing it.
- Never tell them you like the space. They’ll figure it out if you come back a second time.
- When they promise you a date the space can be available, get it in writing with a clear definition of penalties if they fail to get deliver it on that date.
- When they say, “the smoke detector works” test it. When they say a pull alarm works, test it. If they won’t test it because of some excuse, have them put in writing that they guarantee that it works – and that any and all failures are their responsibility.
- When they say things don’t leak, have them put it in writing.
- When they say the A/C has been replaced/service ask to see the paperwork. If not, ask if they will pay for a visit by your selected company before you move in.
- There are always more things that should be added to this list.