Butch and Colin snuck in a battle tonight. Colin’s Germans beat Butch’s British, 6 vs 3.

This week

There is a group of people forming a Blood Bowl League starting next month. It looks like we have more than 10 people interested.

On Friday afternoon/evenings, John Benett has offered to run an RPG either Scion, D&D or something else the crowd demands. Email me to let me know, or show up on Friday to see what is going on.

Bob Fanelli has said he is interested in running a D&D 3.5 campaign on every other Sunday. We haven’t settled on a first day, but if you would like to join the group, let me know.

Wednesday Magic Drafts are now every other week. This week will be a draft.

There is still a Warmachine special; buy one-get-one on the troop or leader blisters.

This week

Saturday at 1, a Privateer Pressganger will be out to demo the Warmachine Mk II rules.

Upcoming Special Events

Sunday, May 23 is the Flames of War Tournament. If we get 12 players, we are a regional qualifier.

The usual schedule:

Tuesday: Magic in the afternoon continues. At 6 we will be starting open board games – if you have a request for a specific game, feel free to ask. A Warmachine battle will also be in progress.

Wednesday night, upstairs the figure painters will continue to laugh at my attempts to paint my RoboRally figures.

Thursday, we will be playing Legends of the 5 Rings and World of Warcraft CCGs.

Friday, starting at 6:30 we will be running Magic.

Saturdays are always busy:

  • 11AM: AT-43
  • 12:00 Monsterpocalypse
  • 1:00 Warmachine Demo
  • 5 or 6 as the crowd filters out, we have open board games. The game cabinet is full of interesting things, and you can feel free to bring your own. We had 9 people this week, and I had to keep the store open a little late to make them happy, which I was glad to do.

Sunday, the FOW Escalation League continues at 1000 points.

Today’s FOW

A smaller group out for Flames of War today (the Warmachine players were here too).

Colin finally got a perfect win against Tom while Pete beat down Gary.

  1. Rich 21
  2. Bob 21
  3. Pete 20
  4. Colin 19
  5. Gary 16
  6. Chris 14
  7. Tom 14
  8. Butch 12
  9. Nick 6
  10. Carl 6
  11. Ken 6
  12. Erik 2

Feeding Hills Kotei

Congratulations to the 7th Dimension Legend of the Rings players up in Feeding Hills MA for the Kotei. Currently our own Jon Palmer and Sean James are playing in the top 4.

Update: Sean made it to the top 2.

Update: Sean lost the final, so he came in second. Congratulations for a good run!