Flames of War Tournament on Dec 13th

The facts that we know:  1250 points, late war, start at noon with timed rounds.

If we get 12 players, we will be a regional qualifier and offer $100 prize support.

If we get 6 players, we can still get prize support from Flames of War, but it will be less.

It’s gonna be the future soon

Wednesday, the figure painters will be in the store doing what they do best.

Thursday, we will be playing Legends of the 5 Rings.  This week will be open play, hopefully for the following weeks I’ll be able to organize a tournament.

Friday, will be Friday Night Magic.  I registered with them, but haven’t heard back yet.  I’m pretty sure we can make it official.

Saturday morning at 10 will be Pokemon, if we get enough players.  Noon will be an actual Monsterpocalypse tournament (everyone can thank Stewart for that).    At 3 there will be open play for L5R.  Around 5 or 6 we will start getting the board game people to come in and play some games,  both new and old.

Sunday December 13th will be a Flames of War tournament.  So, you might want to play this Sunday in preparation.

The store is open on Tuesdays now, and I have a few options, but we’ll do whatever the crowd requests.

This is the story so far

Friday people started arriving before the open sign was even out (or the cleaning was done).  Several games were played, stuff was sold and it was all around a good day.

Saturday, people arrived as soon as the sign was out and we had a good stream of people coming and going.

Apparently, Sunday starts a bit slower…