Just in: Discworld: The Witches; Walking Dead: The Best Defense; Thunderstone Advance Numenera; Munchkin Pathfinder; Legendary DBG: Fantastic Four, the return of Redshirts!
October 26th at noon we will be hosting a Star Wars X-Wing event! For a $10 buy-in you can fly your 66 point fleet (yes, 2/3rds of a 100 point fleet) to victory. Top players will receive store credit based on the amount paid in. 4 Rounds of 45 minutes each, 1 to the death championship round, 1 runner up round. We’ll be using standard 3ft x 3ft boards, some will be dressed up and some plain.
October 27th at noon we’ll jump over to Star Trek Attack Wing! Bring your 100 point build for “The Battle of Chin’toka”. You must buy a booster to play in the event, you may use the booster in the battle.
At noon on Saturday and Sunday we will be having a standard tournament for Theros Game Day. Our usual $4 buy-in and guaranteed pack win will be in effect.
Remember to bring your Hero cards to Fight the Hydra! We we cut to the top group, we will be running the Hydra deck as a side event. Each player that tries to beat the Hydra will get a hero card.
Relic Runners arrived today, you get to steal ancient treasure for victory points.
Also, Z-Man has re-published the Carcassonne expansion Bridges, Castles & Bazaars and created a new expansion by combining the small expansions The Count, King and The Robber.
A pile of board game restocks also arrived.